Friday, February 26, 2021

2/26 Friday Masters Workout - Short Course Yards

For those that would like some variation and/or a more structured workout, I provide for you our groups workout from today. Our workouts are split into 5 different skill levels. Choose the column that most closely aligns with your skills and abilities and ignore the other 4. For those that are new to swimming, or just new to my groups workouts, columns 1-4 are time based and your rest is built into the interval. Column 5 is rest based and your interval may very but your rest will remain consistent. Because this is Masters, feel free to add/subtract/or modify in anyway you see fit. As our group likes to say, you have to do everything in the workout, unless you don’t want to.

Here is a link to my google drive with previous workouts-

If you are interested in joining a masters swim club, here is a link to help you find a local club near you.

Notes for this set:

-Build = Start slow then get faster within the given distance

-Variable Sprint = #1 1/2 Fast-1/2 Easy, #2 1/2 Easy-1/2 Fast, #3 All Fast, #4 All Easy

-Smooth = Faster than easy, slower than moderate

-DPS (Distance Per Stroke) = Maximize the distance traveled for each stroke while minimizing the total number of strokes to complete the set

-Sprint the Black = Sprint in the solid colored section of your pools lane lines then moderate outside of that. Our pools lane lines are red/black with black being the 5m lead in color to the wall, hence sprint the black.

-Descend = Maintain a given pace within the distance, but get faster as you work through the set (descend in time/pace)

submitted by /u/cdowd9006
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