Friday, February 26, 2021

Are power points a good indication of talent in a certain event?

Can the power points that are earned in a certain event tell me anything about which events I am good at vs which ones I am bad at? For example inputting my best times from the 50Y into USA Swimming’s power point calculator tool, I have 0 points which to me seems absoloutley abysmal. Other events like the 400Y IM, 200Y breaststroke, and 50Y free, the points are bit better ranging between the 20s to 90s in count, but compared to the hundreds of power points that it’s possible to earn in one event that’s still not much. Basically what I’m asking is, can I say what events I am better at than others based on my calculated power point scores for each one? Am I actually better in the typically longer events, where I am earning more power points than in the shorter faster events, or am I just as bad at those events and earning more power points simply because those are harder events that I am swimming?

submitted by /u/ComprehensiveMartian
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