Friday, February 26, 2021

Swimming under water in sea water?

I've tried googling and youtubing, but can't seem to find any useful info on this.

I am able to duck dive, and swim down about 2m (I don't want to go further than this as I use earplugs). But no matter what I do I can't stay down. I usually can make 1 or 2 strokes horizontal to the surface, and then suddenly start floating upwards. I've tried angling my direction diagonally downwards but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I even try with only a half breath held, but still not able to stay under. I'd rather not use any kind of weight, so what else can I do? Is there a certain technique to use to swim under the water and pop up 10-20 meters away?

submitted by /u/zon03
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