Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Pool Pump | Latest Forum Discussions

Looking to replace my pool pump, 

presently have a Hayward Maxi Flo pump 2 Hp

looking for better efficiency 

I have a 36 to 40k gallon pool 48 x 24 kidney shape, 3.5 to 10 feet deep, hard to calculate exact galls, but took 4 tankers to fill when I had it replastered, it's old, all 1.5 inch piping

3 returns  plus bottom drain , 2 skimmers,  

the bottom drain is piped separately and the skimmers piped together,  the two 1.5 inch pipes headed off together to 1.5' to the pump.

I have a large 6020 Hayward de filter

approx 95 feet of pipe on the return side, 65 feet on the skimmer side 35' on the main drain

which in my calc makes the head very high.....

can I use a 2' variable speed pump, recipe the above grade piping all to 2" get more efficiency and better flow at the returns??

I'm in MA the pump runs 24/7 for the first 60 days and 12hrs per day the last 75days of our season.

please advise


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